home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //
- // Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
- // ----------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Clean Up HTML.js
- //
- // This command cleans up certain categories of superfluous
- // HTML within the user document without effecting document
- // layout. This command makes two passes over the users
- // document depending on the options selected; see
- // cleanUpDocument() for more details.
- //
- // Version 3.0
- // Added new array class for cleanup HTML contains function.
- // ----------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Global variables -- see initialize() for more comments.
- // Dreamweaver doesn't currently initialize any globals
- // loaded in auxilliary scripts through <SCRIPT SRC=..>,
- // so we explicitly initialize these initialize().
- //
- var helpDoc = MM.HELP_cmdCleanUpHTML;
- var cbRemoveEmptyTags;
- var cbRemoveRedundant;
- var cbCombineFonts;
- var cbRemoveTags;
- var cbRemoveComments;
- var cbRemoveDWComments;
- var cbShowLog;
- var tbTagsToRemove;
- var numEmptyRemoved;
- var numRedundantRemoved;
- var numTagsRemoved;
- var numCommentsRemoved;
- var numFontsCombined;
- var arrTagsToRemove = new Array(); // Array
- var strClassAttrib;
- var strStyleAttrib;
- var arrDWCommentTags = new Array();
- var arrDWCommentNonTags = new Array();
- var arrDWTagPrefixes = new Array();
- var emptyRemovalCandidates = new Array();
- var redundantTagCandidates = new Array();
- var combinableTagCandidates = new Array();
- var bPreserveEmptyHeader;
- var bRemovedTracing;
- var arrXHTMLresults;
- //------------------ Commands API --------------------
- function commandButtons()
- {
- return new Array( MM.BTN_OK, "cleanUpDocument()" // main entry point
- , MM.BTN_Cancel, "window.close()"
- , MM.BTN_Help, "displayHelp()");
- }
- function canAcceptCommand()
- {
- var retVal = false;
- if (dw.getDocumentDOM() && dw.getDocumentDOM().getParseMode() == 'html' && (dw.getFocus() == 'document' || dw.getFocus(true) == 'html' || dw.getFocus() == 'textView')){
- retVal = true;
- }
- return retVal;
- }
- //
- // ------- Local Clean Up command functions ----------
- //
- // Return true if curArr contains an entry equal to item.
- function arrayContains( curArr, item )
- {
- var nElements = curArr.length;
- for( var i = 0; i < nElements; i++ )
- if ( curArr[i] == item )
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- // Return true if curArr contains an entry that is a string prefix of item.
- function arrayContainsPrefix( curArr, item )
- {
- var itemLength = item.length;
- var nElements = curArr.length;
- for( var i = 0; i < nElements; i++ )
- {
- var curItem = curArr[i];
- if ( curItem.length <= itemLength &&
- curItem == item.substring(0, curItem.length) )
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function isQuote( c )
- {
- return( c == '\"' || c == '\'' );
- }
- function isAlpha( c )
- {
- var isoval = c.charCodeAt(0);
- return( (isoval >= "A".charCodeAt(0) && isoval <= "Z".charCodeAt(0)) ||
- (isoval >= "a".charCodeAt(0) && isoval <= "z".charCodeAt(0)));
- }
- // Match a <xxx or </xxx tag; note that xxx must be alphabetical
- function isTagBegin( currentchar, nextchar )
- {
- return( currentchar == '<' && (isAlpha( nextchar ) || nextchar == '/') );
- }
- // Note that '>' should be ignored within quotes inside tag brackets
- function isTagEnd( c )
- {
- return( c == '>' );
- }
- function isWhite( c )
- {
- return( c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' );
- }
- function isAllWhite( str )
- {
- for( var i = 0; i < str.length; i++ )
- {
- if ( !isWhite( str.charAt( i ) ) )
- return( false );
- }
- return( true );
- }
- // parseAttributes()
- //
- // Parse the attributes from within the start tag of a given
- // node per the rules found here: http://www.w3.org/TR/WD-html-lex/
- //
- // Return an array of arrays (unfortunately; the associative
- // aspect of arrays is overloaded with "instance properties",
- // so arrays already contain prototype methods/properties
- // value pairs):
- //
- // arr[0] --> attributes array
- // arr[1] --> values array
- //
- // The value for a given attribute are in the same position
- // at the attribute within the values array. Singleton name
- // tokens have an empty ("") or undefined value.
- //
- // If bStripQuotes is true, then any "outer" quotes around an
- // attribute value are stripped, e.g., the value in
- //
- // NAME="bob's name"
- //
- // is returned as: bob's name. If bStripQuotes is false, that
- // value is returned as "bob's name"
- //
- // If bMakeUpper is true, all attribute/value strings are normalized
- // to upper case
- //
- function parseAttributes( node, bStripQuotes, bMakeUpper )
- {
- var tagstr = node.outerHTML;
- var pos = 0;
- var prevChar = null;
- var currentChar = null;
- var currentQuote = null;
- var arrAttribs = new Array();
- var arrValues = new Array();
- var arrIdx = 0;
- var attrib = "";
- var value = "";
- var bValueIsEmpty = false;
- var bInsideQuote = false;
- var bAccumValue = false;
- var bAttribReady = false;
- var bSkipToWhite = true; // initially true to skip "<tag "
- while( pos < node.outerHTML.length )
- {
- prevChar = currentChar;
- currentChar = tagstr.charAt( pos++ );
- // Handle quote state; remember actual quote that
- // flipped the state so we match ' and " right
- //
- if ( isQuote( currentChar ) )
- {
- if ( bInsideQuote )
- {
- if ( currentChar == currentQuote )
- {
- // Coming out of quoted region; turn quotes off
- bInsideQuote = false;
- currentQuote = null;
- if ( bStripQuotes )
- {
- // Careful; make sure ATTR="" works even when we're
- // stripping quotes off values
- MM_assert( bAccumValue, MSG_ParseErrEndQuote );
- bValueIsEmpty = true;
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- if ( bAccumValue && value == "" ) // only turn quotes on after '=' and
- { // before accumulating anything; e.g.,
- // Turn quotes on // ignore the quote in ATTR=xxx"xxx
- bInsideQuote = true;
- currentQuote = currentChar;
- if ( bStripQuotes )
- continue;
- }
- }
- // Handle the terminating character; write any attribute/value
- // we may have been accumulating and we're done.
- //
- if ( !bInsideQuote && isTagEnd( currentChar ) )
- {
- if ( attrib != "" )
- {
- arrAttribs[ arrIdx ] = bMakeUpper ? attrib.toUpperCase() : attrib;
- arrValues[ arrIdx++ ] = bMakeUpper ? value.toUpperCase() : value;
- attrib = "";
- value = "";
- bAttribReady = false;
- bAccumValue = false;
- }
- break;
- }
- // Accumulate characters; if bAccumValue is true, we're on the
- // right side of an "=", otherwise we're on the left side or accumulating
- // a singleton name token. I don't think quoted regions make sense
- // on the left side either.
- //
- if ( !bInsideQuote && !bAccumValue )
- {
- // first skip to white after tag name <xxxx
- if ( bSkipToWhite && !isWhite( currentChar ) )
- continue;
- bSkipToWhite = false;
- // Whitespace not inside quotes; if we're accumulating
- // an attribute, it's ready (the whitespace terminates it);
- if ( isWhite( currentChar ) )
- {
- bAttribReady = attrib != "";
- }
- else
- {
- // Non-white space; if we have an equals sign, switch
- // over to accumulate the value
- if ( currentChar == '=' )
- {
- bAttribReady = attrib != "";
- bAccumValue = true;
- MM_assert( bAttribReady, MSG_ParseErrUnexpectedEQU );
- }
- else
- {
- // Unquoted non-white non-value -- accumulate
- // as name token. If there's a name token ready,
- // save it as a singleton first.
- //
- if ( bAttribReady )
- {
- arrAttribs[ arrIdx++ ] = bMakeUpper ? attrib.toUpperCase() : attrib;
- attrib = "";
- bAttribReady = false;
- }
- attrib += currentChar;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // We're accumulating a value
- //
- MM_assert( bAttribReady, MSG_ParseErrUnexpectedEQU );
- if ( !bInsideQuote && isWhite( currentChar ) )
- {
- // Swallow whitespace until we either get a value
- // or we terminate
- if ( value != "" || bValueIsEmpty )
- {
- arrAttribs[ arrIdx ] = bMakeUpper ? attrib.toUpperCase() : attrib;
- arrValues[ arrIdx++ ] = bMakeUpper ? value.toUpperCase() : value;
- attrib = "";
- value = "";
- bAttribReady = false;
- bAccumValue = false;
- bValueIsEmpty = false;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // We're inside a quote, or we're not terminated -- keep
- // accumulating
- //
- value += currentChar;
- }
- }
- }
- // We're done; package up our arrays and return them
- //
- MM_assert( !bAccumValue, MSG_ParseErrValue );
- return new Array( arrAttribs, arrValues );
- }
- // findCombinableParent()
- //
- // Return a parent node with which the given node may have
- // its attributes combined with. This routine trusts that
- // caller has verified that the combineTagName is a member
- // of combinableTagCandidates! A combinable parent is
- // a direct parent up the tree who is the parent of no
- // other children (which would not want to inherit the
- // characteristics of the given child whose attributes
- // will migrate up), e.g.:
- //
- // <FONT face="arial"><FONT color="blue">text</FONT></FONT>
- //
- // and
- //
- // <FONT face="arial"><B><FONT color="blue">text</FONT></B></FONT>
- //
- // are combinable, but
- //
- // <FONT face="arial"><B>x<FONT color"blue">text</FONT></B></FONT>
- //
- // is not as the 'x' textual child should not inherit the
- // blue characteristic. This routine walks the "direct"
- // (childNodes.length == 1) parent chain.
- //
- function findCombinableParent( node, combineTagName )
- {
- MM_assert( arrayContains(combinableTagCandidates, combineTagName ) );
- var rtnNode = null;
- while ( (node.parentNode != null) &&
- (node.parentNode.childNodes.length == 1) )
- {
- if ( combineTagName == node.parentNode.tagName ) {
- rtnNode = node.parentNode;
- break;
- }
- if ( node.parentNode.innerHTML == node.outerHTML ) {// parent contains only this child tree
- node = node.parentNode;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- return rtnNode;
- }
- // hasRedundantParent()
- //
- // Return true if the given node is redundant with a
- // controlling parent. Redundant parent/children must
- // have identical attribute/value sets.
- //
- function hasRedundantParent( node )
- {
- var rc = false;
- if ( arrayContains(redundantTagCandidates, node.tagName ) )
- {
- var parent = node.parentNode;
- // Find controlling parent
- while( parent != null )
- {
- if ( node.tagName == parent.tagName )
- {
- // Compare parent and child attribute name/value pairs
- var cArrs = parseAttributes( node, true, true );
- var pArrs = parseAttributes( parent, true, true );
- var cNames = cArrs[0];
- var cValues = cArrs[1];
- var pNames = pArrs[0];
- var pValues = pArrs[1];
- if ( cNames.length == pNames.length && cValues.length == pValues.length )
- {
- cNames.sort();
- pNames.sort();
- cValues.sort();
- pValues.sort();
- var len = cNames.length;
- for( var i = 0; i < len; i++ )
- {
- // note in js: undefined == undefined is true
- if ( pNames[i] != cNames[i] || cValues[i] != pValues[i] )
- break;
- }
- rc = (i == len); // if we got through everything they're the same
- }
- if ( rc ) // if we're redundant, we're done
- break;
- // Otherwise, if we're not actually overriding anything on this
- // parent, we may still be redundant with an uber parent. Cycle through
- // the child's attributes and if none are present on parent keep going
- //
- var bKeepGoing = true;
- for( var i = 0; i < cNames.length; i++ )
- {
- if ( arrayContains(pNames, cNames[i] ) )
- {
- bKeepGoing = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( !bKeepGoing )
- break;
- } else if ( node.tagName == 'TABLE' || parent.tagName == 'TABLE') {
- break;
- }
- parent = parent.parentNode;
- }
- }
- return rc;
- }
- // isAllWhiteNodeSignificant()
- //
- // Given a node whose inner html is all white, this
- // routine examines the node's siblings and returns
- // true if the whitespace is significant and false
- // otherwise.
- //
- function isAllWhiteNodeSignificant( node )
- {
- if (!node.parentNode) return false;
- var siblings = node.parentNode.childNodes;
- var nSiblings = siblings.length;
- var siblingIdx = 0;
- // If we're an only child, then we really need
- // to look at uncles and aunts.
- if ( (nSiblings == 1) && (node.parentNode != null) && (node.parentNode.nodeType != Node.DOCUMENT_NODE) )
- return( isAllWhiteNodeSignificant( node.parentNode ) );
- // Find self as parent's child first
- for( ; siblingIdx < nSiblings; siblingIdx++ )
- if ( siblings.item( siblingIdx ) == node )
- break;
- MM_assert( siblingIdx < nSiblings, MSG_ErrParentChild );
- // If sibling to the left has trailing whitespace,
- // our current all white node isn't significant. Note
- // we can just look to our immediate left rather than go
- // to zero because any empty siblings to the left will
- // have already been gobbled.
- //
- var lSibling = siblingIdx > 0 ? siblings.item( siblingIdx - 1) : null;
- if ( lSibling != null )
- {
- if ( lSibling.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE )
- {
- if ( (lSibling.data.length > 0) &&
- isWhite( lSibling.data[ lSibling.data.length - 1 ] ) )
- return false;
- }
- else
- if ( lSibling.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE )
- {
- // non text left sibling
- if ( (lSibling.innerHTML.length > 0) &&
- isWhite( lSibling.innerHTML[ lSibling.innerHTML.length - 1 ] ) )
- return false;
- }
- // else go on to our right to determine our significance
- }
- // Now see if there's significant leading whitespace to
- // the immediate right that might render our all white
- // current node insignificant
- //
- var rSibling = null;
- siblingIdx++;
- while( siblingIdx < nSiblings )
- {
- rSibling = siblings.item( siblingIdx );
- if ( rSibling.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE )
- {
- // We have a textual sibling to the right; if
- // this guy doesn't have leading whitespace,
- // we're significant, otherwise we're not.
- if ( rSibling.data.length > 0 )
- return( !isWhite( rSibling.data[0] ) );
- // else empty text node
- }
- else
- if ( rSibling.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE )
- {
- // We have a non-empty non-text node to the
- // right; if this guy doesn't have leading
- // whitespace we're significant, otherwise not
- if ( rSibling.innerHTML.length > 0 )
- return( !isWhite( rSibling.innerHTML[0] ) );
- // else empty non-text node...
- }
- siblingIdx++;
- }
- // If we got here there's nothing interesting to the
- // right of this all white node, so it's as if we're
- // an only child. The DOCUMENT_NODE check is just for
- // safety; there shouldn't be a way to get that high on
- // empty markup node removal...
- if ( node.parentNode != null && node.nodeType != Node.DOCUMENT_NODE )
- return( isAllWhiteNodeSignificant( node.parentNode ) );
- // otherwise nothing left -- we really are insignificant...
- return false;
- }
- // isRemovableEmptyTag()
- //
- // Return true if this tag can be safely removed from the
- // document, false otherwise.
- //
- function isRemovableEmptyTag( tagNode )
- {
- // First this tag must be an empty removal candidate with no class info
- //
- if ( arrayContains(emptyRemovalCandidates, tagNode.tagName ) && !hasClassAttribute( tagNode ) )
- {
- // Short-circuit for named anchor tags; empty named anchors
- // should be left alone
- if ( "A" == tagNode.tagName && (null != tagNode.getAttribute( "NAME" )) )
- return false;
- // If the innerHTML length is zero, it's empty and
- // can be safely removed *unless* it's a heading
- // tag -- the first empty heading tag after text
- // forces a carriage return.
- //
- if ( tagNode.innerHTML.length == 0 )
- {
- return true;
- }
- else
- if ( isAllWhite( tagNode.innerHTML ) && !isAllWhiteNodeSignificant( tagNode ) )
- {
- // All empty tag candidates (generally character markup)
- // spanning only whitespace can also be removed if the
- // tag is not within text, or if the tag to the right of
- // text that ends in whitespace or to the left of text
- // that begins with whitespace....
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Using a tracing image in Dreamweaver attaches up to four proprietary
- // attributes to the body tag. We want to remove these attributes if Remove
- // Dreamweaver Comments is checked.
- //
- function removeTracingAttrs()
- {
- var bodyNode = dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM('document').body;
- //look for tracing attributes - if any are found, toggle
- //the global boolean to true and remove all attributes
- if (cbRemoveDWComments.checked){
- if (bodyNode.getAttribute("tracingsrc") ||
- bodyNode.getAttribute("tracingopacity") ||
- bodyNode.getAttribute("tracingx") ||
- bodyNode.getAttribute("tracingy"))
- {
- //remove all tracing image attributes
- bodyNode.removeAttribute("tracingsrc");
- bodyNode.removeAttribute("tracingopacity");
- bodyNode.removeAttribute("tracingx");
- bodyNode.removeAttribute("tracingy");
- bRemovedTracing=true;
- }
- }
- }
- // hasStyleAttribute()
- //
- // Return true if the given ELEMENT tag has a STYLE set
- //
- function hasStyleAttribute( tagNode )
- {
- return( tagNode.getAttribute( strStyleAttrib ) != null );
- }
- // hasClassAttribute()
- //
- // Return true if the given ELEMENT tag has a CLASSID set
- //
- function hasClassAttribute( tagNode )
- {
- return( tagNode.getAttribute( strClassAttrib ) != null );
- }
- // loadCommentOffsets()
- //
- // This callback is used by the comment removal traversal
- // to push offsets of comment nodes into the userData variable
- // passed by the comment removal pass. Depending on the
- // user's options, we might be deleting non-Dreamweaver comments,
- // or DW comments that are actually represented as comments.
- //
- function loadCommentOffsets( commentNode, userData )
- {
- // MM_note( "Processing NDW comment:" + commentNode.data );
- // Server-side include comments of the form "<!-- #include... -->"
- // should always be left alone!
- // eat up any leading white in comment data
- var i;
- for( i = 0; i < commentNode.data.length; i++ )
- if ( !isWhite( commentNode.data.charAt( i ) ) )
- break;
- var bIsDWComment = arrayContains(arrDWCommentNonTags, commentNode.data);
- if (cbRemoveComments.checked)
- {
- // if we have a #include skip it, otherwise push offsets for
- // removal
- //
- var bSkipSSIinclude = (commentNode.data.substr( i, 8 ).toLowerCase() == "#include");
- var bSkipSSIecho = commentNode.data.substr( i, 5 ).toLowerCase() == "#echo";
- var bSkipFWtable = commentNode.data.substr( i, 7 ).toLowerCase() == "fwtable";
- var bSkipXML = commentNode.data.substr( i, 3 ).toLowerCase() == "xml";
- var bSkipDoctype = commentNode.data.substr( i, 7 ).toLowerCase() == "doctype";
- var bSkipFWBeginCopy = (commentNode.data.indexOf("BEGIN COPYING THE HTML") != -1);
- var bSkipFWEndCopy = (commentNode.data.indexOf("STOP COPYING THE HTML HERE") != -1);
- var isComment = commentNode.data.charAt(0) != "<";
- if ( !bSkipSSIinclude && !bSkipSSIecho && !bSkipDoctype && !bSkipXML && isComment && !bSkipFWtable && !bSkipFWBeginCopy && !bSkipFWEndCopy && !bIsDWComment){
- // This is a not-very-elegant way of checking whether we've found a comment in
- // the current document, or one inside an included file. It won't work if the
- // comment in the included file happens to be the exact same length as the
- // include statement, but it's a start.
- var inCurrentDoc = true;
- var nodeOffsets = dw.getDocumentDOM().nodeToOffsets(commentNode);
- // +7 is the "<!--" and "-->" parts
- if ((commentNode.data.length + 7) != (nodeOffsets[1] - nodeOffsets[0]))
- inCurrentDoc = false;
- if (inCurrentDoc)
- userData.push( dreamweaver.nodeToOffsets( commentNode ) );
- }
- }
- if (cbRemoveDWComments.checked && bIsDWComment)
- {
- userData.push( dreamweaver.nodeToOffsets( commentNode ) );
- }
- return true;
- }
- // processElement()
- //
- // Process a node of ELEMENT type within the user's document
- // This is a callback from traverse() used during the main
- // removal traversal.
- //
- function processElement( elementNode )
- {
- // MM_note( "Processing element: " + elementNode.tagName );
- // Remove specific tag(s) check
- //
- if ( cbRemoveTags.checked &&
- arrayContains(arrTagsToRemove, elementNode.tagName ) )
- {
- // MM_note( "* Removing specified tag " + elementNode.outerHTML );
- if ( elementNode.outerHTML == elementNode.innerHTML )
- elementNode.outerHTML = "";
- else
- elementNode.outerHTML = elementNode.innerHTML;
- numTagsRemoved++;
- }
- else
- {
- // Don't touch tags with style information
- //
- if ( !hasStyleAttribute( elementNode ) )
- {
- // Empty tag check
- //
- if ( cbRemoveEmptyTags.checked &&
- (isRemovableEmptyTag( elementNode )))
- {
- var parent = elementNode.parentNode;
- // MM_note( "* Removing empty tag: " + elementNode.outerHTML );
- elementNode.outerHTML = "";
- numEmptyRemoved++;
- // Small work around DW behavior -- paragraph tags with
- // children are considered "not collapsable" even if the
- // children are empty. When we remove all empty children
- // of a p tag then, DW sticks in a to keep the
- // remaining <p> from being collapsed -- this makes the <p>
- // then come alive in the browser layout. So if we've just
- // zapped the last child of a p tag, rewrite the P tag without
- // the so it remains collapsed in the browser layout.
- // Note that if the p tag originally had text or an
- // it would still have textual children after the empty tag
- // removal and would be untouched.
- //
- if ( parent.tagName == "P" && !(parent.hasChildNodes()) )
- parent.outerHTML = "<p>";
- }
- // Redundant child check
- //
- else
- if ( cbRemoveRedundant.checked &&
- hasRedundantParent( elementNode ) )
- {
- // MM_note( "* Removing redundant tag: " + elementNode.outerHTML );
- elementNode.outerHTML = elementNode.innerHTML;
- numRedundantRemoved++;
- }
- // Child/parent coalesce check
- //
- else
- if ( cbCombineFonts.checked &&
- arrayContains(combinableTagCandidates, elementNode.tagName ) )
- {
- var parent = findCombinableParent( elementNode, elementNode.tagName );
- if ( parent != null )
- {
- // MM_note( "* Combining font tags: " + elementNode.outerHTML );
- // Set all child attributes on parent and remove child
- //
- var arrs = parseAttributes( elementNode, true, false );
- var attribs = arrs[0];
- var values = arrs[1];
- for( var i = 0; i < attribs.length; i++ )
- parent.setAttribute( attribs[i], values[i] ); // The value part
- // here may be null
- elementNode.outerHTML = elementNode.innerHTML;
- numFontsCombined++;
- }
- }
- // Dreamweaver comment check -- dreamweaver comments
- // come back to us as element nodes rather than comment nodes
- else
- if ( cbRemoveDWComments.checked &&
- arrayContains(arrDWCommentTags, elementNode.tagName ) )
- {
- // MM_note( "Removing DW comment: " + elementNode.tagName );
- dreamweaver.editLockedRegions(true);
- elementNode.outerHTML = elementNode.innerHTML;
- numCommentsRemoved++;
- }
- else
- if ( cbRemoveDWComments.checked &&
- arrayContainsPrefix(arrDWTagPrefixes, elementNode.tagName ) )
- {
- // MM_note( "Removing DW tag: " + elementNode.tagName );
- dreamweaver.editLockedRegions(true);
- // sn 8/6/01: for some reason, for empty tags, innerHTML
- // returns the entire tag instead of the empty string. (Anyway,
- // this is what I observed for MMTInstance:Param tags.) Tweaking
- // to use "" instead of elementNode.innerHTML for such tags.
- if ( elementNode.tagName == "MMTEMPLATE:EXPR" ||
- elementNode.tagName == "MMTEMPLATE:PARAM" ||
- elementNode.tagName == "MMTEMPLATE:PASSTHROUGHEXPR" ||
- elementNode.tagName == "MMTINSTANCE:PARAM" )
- elementNode.outerHTML = "";
- else
- elementNode.outerHTML = elementNode.innerHTML;
- numTagsRemoved++;
- }
- }
- }
- return true; // continue traverse
- }
- // emptyHeaderStateTextHandler()
- //
- // This text node callback is used by pass two to flip
- // the global bPreserveEmptyHeader state to true -- we
- // just encountered text, so the next empty header
- // found will force a carriage return and thus can't
- // be removed. Empty headers after that however can
- // be removed until the next piece of text is encountered...
- //
- function emptyHeaderStateTextHandler( node )
- {
- bPreserveEmptyHeader = true;
- return true;
- }
- // traverse()
- //
- // Do a recursive depth-first traversal of the user's
- // document starting from the given node.
- //
- // Callers provide up to three callback functions which
- // accept a node argument, one each (or the same one)
- // to process nodes of ELEMENT, TEXT, or COMMENT type.
- // At least one callback function is required.
- //
- // The handlers may stop the traversal by returning false;
- // returning true will continue the traversal to its
- // completion.
- //
- // A fourth argument, a handle to a some user variable to
- // be passed on to each callback, may also be provided.
- //
- function traverse( node, fElementHandler ) // optional: fTextHandler, fCommentHandler, userData )
- {
- var fTextHandler = traverse.arguments.length >= 3 ? traverse.arguments[2] : null;
- var fCmmtHandler = traverse.arguments.length >= 4 ? traverse.arguments[3] : null;
- var userData = traverse.arguments.length >= 5 ? traverse.arguments[4] : null;
- var children = node.childNodes;
- var nChildren = children.length;
- var bContinue = true;
- var current = null;
- for( var i = 0; bContinue && (i < nChildren); i++ )
- {
- current = children.item( i );
- // descend to any children first
- if ( current.hasChildNodes() )
- traverse( current, fElementHandler, fTextHandler, fCmmtHandler, userData );
- // process current node
- switch( current.nodeType )
- {
- case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
- if ( userData != null )
- bContinue = fElementHandler( current, userData );
- else
- bContinue = fElementHandler( current );
- break;
- case Node.COMMENT_NODE:
- if ( fCmmtHandler != null )
- if ( userData != null )
- bContinue = fCmmtHandler( current, userData );
- else
- bContinue = fCmmtHandler( current );
- break;
- case Node.TEXT_NODE:
- if ( fTextHandler != null )
- if ( userData != null )
- bContinue = fTextHandler( current, userData )
- else
- bContinue = fTextHandler( current )
- break;
- case Node.DOCUMENT_NODE:
- default:
- MM_error( MSG_UnknownNodeType, current.nodeType );
- }
- }
- }
- // doPassOne()
- //
- // Pass one does cleanup based on the HTML source string for
- // the user's document; currently that means comment and extra
- // whitespace removal. Note that most DW comments are not handled
- // here (since they're internally represented as tags), but some
- // are.
- //
- // BW 8/17/98 Removed "remove extra whitespace" option for
- // performance reasons
- //
- function doPassOne()
- {
- if ( cbRemoveComments.checked || cbRemoveDWComments.checked ) // pass one options
- {
- var htmlstr = dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM( 'document' ).documentElement.outerHTML;
- var htmlpos = 0;
- var htmlarr = new Array(); // array to save newing of intermediate
- // string copies of doc
- // To remove comments, traverse over the entire DOM gathering
- // offsets into the HTML source of the comments to be removed,
- // then remove those comments from the HTML source string.
- //
- var root = dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM('document');
- var commentOffsets = new Array();
- var stubCallback = new Function( "node", "userData", "return true;" );
- if ( root != null && root.hasChildNodes() )
- traverse( root
- , stubCallback
- , stubCallback
- , loadCommentOffsets
- , commentOffsets );
- // Now use offsets to delete sections of text from
- // within the document source string.
- //
- if ( commentOffsets.length > 0 )
- {
- var lastpos = 0;
- for( var i = 0; i < commentOffsets.length; i++ )
- {
- htmlarr[htmlpos++] = htmlstr.substring( lastpos
- , commentOffsets[i][0] );
- lastpos = commentOffsets[i][1];
- numCommentsRemoved++;
- }
- htmlarr[htmlpos++] = htmlstr.substring( lastpos );
- }
- if ( htmlarr.length > 0 )
- dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM( 'document' ).documentElement.outerHTML = htmlarr.join("");
- }
- }
- // doPassTwo()
- //
- // Pass two does cleanup on DOM objects as appropriate over the
- // course of traversing the DOM heirarchy. The actual work in this
- // pass is done in the processElement() callback.
- //
- function doPassTwo()
- {
- // Load up comma-separated list of tags to remove if any; warn
- // if option is checked but no tags specified
- //
- arrTagsToRemove = dreamweaver.getTokens( tbTagsToRemove.value.toUpperCase(), ", " );
- if ( cbRemoveTags.checked && arrTagsToRemove.length == 0 )
- MM_error( MSG_NoTagsToRemove );
- // Traverse document, processing leaves
- //
- var root = dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM('document');
- if ( root != null && root.hasChildNodes() )
- {
- traverse( root
- , processElement
- , emptyHeaderStateTextHandler )
- // and finally attempt to remove tracingsrc attributes
- // in body tag
- //
- removeTracingAttrs();
- }
- else
- MM_error( MSG_ErrEmptyDoc );
- }
- // cleanUpDocument()
- //
- // Main routine for performing clean up when user hits OK.
- // Clean up is done in three passes:
- //
- // Pass 1: Clean up certain items based on the entire HTML
- // document as a string
- // Pass 2: Clean up certain items while traversing the DOM
- //
- function cleanUpDocument()
- {
- // Set up logging particulars
- //
- if ( cbShowLog.checked )
- {
- MM_enableLogging();
- MM_clearLog();
- }
- else {
- MM_disableLogging();
- }
- // Do cleanup in two passes -- the first pass , the second pass
- // cleans up certain items based on a hierarchy traversal of the DOM.
- // Then, if the doc is XHTML, call the cleanupXHTML function.
- //
- MM.setBusyCursor();
- doPassOne();
- doPassTwo();
- if (dw.getDocumentDOM().getIsXHTMLDocument())
- arrXHTMLresults = dw.getDocumentDOM().cleanupXHTML(true);
- else
- arrXHTMLresults = 0;
- MM.clearBusyCursor();
- finalize();
- }
- // initialize()
- //
- // This is called on BODY onLoad; initialize all script globals
- //
- function initialize()
- {
- // Counters for logging output
- //
- numEmptyRemoved = 0;
- numRedundantRemoved = 0;
- numTagsRemoved = 0;
- numCommentsRemoved = 0;
- numFontsCombined = 0;
- bRemovedTracing = false;
- arrTagsToRemove.length = 0; // Empty array
- strClassAttrib = "CLASS";
- strStyleAttrib = "STYLE";
- // The following tags represent the tag names of Dreamweaver-
- // specific comments, which are processed through the Dreamweaver
- // JS API/DOM as named element nodes rather than comment nodes
- //
- arrDWCommentTags.push ( "MM:EDITABLE"
- , "MM:LIBITEM" // variable library item (currently unused)
- , "{#CUSTOMOBJ}"
- , "{#IMEINLINE}" // used by Japanese DW
- , "{#LIBITEM}" );
- // The following strings are prefixes; any tag beginning with one of
- // these prefixes is Dreamweaver-specific markup. (These represent
- // tags, not comments, but we still remove them when removing Dreamweaver-
- // specific comments.)
- //
- // NOTE (sn 6/22/01): by the time we get a tag name to compare with,
- // it's been converted to uppercase. So, I'm including uppercase versions
- // of these strings. However, I'm leaving the mixed-case versions in as
- // well, in case this ever changes.
- arrDWTagPrefixes.push ( "MMTemplate:", "MMTInstance:",
- // This array contains Dreamweaver comments that are actually
- // internally stored as comments (i.e., they aren't magically
- // transformed into tags the way the above tags are).
- arrDWCommentNonTags.push ( "#DefaultLayoutTable","DWLayoutDefaultTable","DWLayoutEmptyCell","DWLayoutTable" );
- // The following tags can be harmlessly removed from the user's
- // document if they're empty. Note that the Heading tags are
- // not always safe and require special further handling; see
- // isEmptyRemoveableTag().
- //
- emptyRemovalCandidates.push ( "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6"
- , "TT", "I", "B", "U", "STRIKE", "BIG"
- , "SMALL", "SUB", "SUP", "EM", "STRONG"
- , "DFN", "CODE", "SAMP", "KBD", "VAR"
- , "CITE", "XMP", "BLINK"
- , "A"
- , "FONT"
- , "SPAN"
- , "TABLE"
- , "LI", "OL", "UL"
- , "DD", "DT", "DL"
- , "DIR", "MENU"
- , "DIV", "CENTER" );
- // These tags can be safely removed if they're redundant
- // with their immediate parent, i.e., this tags have
- // no nesting semantics.
- //
- redundantTagCandidates.push( "TT", "I", "B", "U", "S", "STRIKE", "BIG"
- , "SMALL", "SUB", "SUP", "EM", "STRONG"
- , "DFN", "CODE", "SAMP", "KBD", "VAR"
- , "CITE", "XMP"
- , "FONT"
- , "CENTER"
- , "SPAN" );
- // These tags can be safely coalesced with parents with identical
- // regions of influence. Currently this is only done for FONT tags.
- //
- combinableTagCandidates.push( "FONT" );
- // Global used by pass two to indicate if the next empty
- // header we encounter should be preserved -- the first
- // empty header after text is significant as a carriage
- // return is forced; after that they can be gobbled until
- // there's more text.
- //
- bPreserveEmptyHeader = false;
- // And finally reference actual form element names
- // here once
- //
- with( document.optionsForm )
- {
- cbRemoveEmptyTags = removeEmptyTags;
- cbRemoveRedundant = removeRedundantChildren;
- cbRemoveComments = removeNDWComments;
- cbRemoveDWComments = removeDWComments;
- cbRemoveTags = removeTag;
- cbCombineFonts = combineFonts;
- cbShowLog = showLog;
- tbTagsToRemove = tagsToRemove;
- }
- }
- function finalize()
- {
- // Show what we did if show log is enabled
- //
- if ( cbShowLog.checked )
- {
- MM_note( MSG_TrcSummaryHeader );
- var bLeftSomethingUnfixed =
- (arrXHTMLresults.length > 0) &&
- (
- (arrXHTMLresults[1] > 0) ||
- (arrXHTMLresults[2] > 0) ||
- (arrXHTMLresults[3] > 0) ||
- (arrXHTMLresults[4] > 0) ||
- (arrXHTMLresults[5] > 0)
- );
- var bDidSomething = (numEmptyRemoved > 0) ||
- (numRedundantRemoved > 0) ||
- (numTagsRemoved > 0) ||
- (numCommentsRemoved > 0) ||
- (numFontsCombined > 0) ||
- (arrXHTMLresults[0] > 0) ||
- (bRemovedTracing);
- if ( bDidSomething || bLeftSomethingUnfixed )
- {
- if ( numEmptyRemoved > 0 )
- MM_note( MSG_TrcEmptyRemoved, numEmptyRemoved );
- if ( numRedundantRemoved > 0 )
- MM_note( MSG_TrcRedundantRemoved, numRedundantRemoved );
- if ( numTagsRemoved > 0 )
- MM_note( MSG_TrcTagsRemoved, numTagsRemoved );
- if ( numCommentsRemoved > 0 )
- MM_note( MSG_TrcCommentsRemoved, numCommentsRemoved );
- if ( numFontsCombined > 0 )
- MM_note( MSG_TrcFontsCombined, numFontsCombined );
- if ( bRemovedTracing )
- MM_note( MSG_TracingAttrsRemoved );
- if ( arrXHTMLresults[0] > 0)
- MM_note( MSG_XHTMLFixed );
- if ( bDidSomething && bLeftSomethingUnfixed )
- MM_note( "\n" );
- if ( arrXHTMLresults[1] > 0)
- MM_note( MSG_XHTMLMissingMapID, arrXHTMLresults[1]);
- if ( arrXHTMLresults[2] > 0)
- MM_note( MSG_XHTMLMissingScriptType, arrXHTMLresults[2] );
- if ( arrXHTMLresults[3] > 0)
- MM_note( MSG_XHTMLMissingStyleType, arrXHTMLresults[3] );
- if ( arrXHTMLresults[4] > 0)
- MM_note( MSG_XHTMLMissingImgAlt, arrXHTMLresults[4] );
- if ( arrXHTMLresults[5] > 0)
- MM_note( MSG_XHTMLMissingAreaAlt, arrXHTMLresults[5] );
- }
- else {
- MM_note( MSG_TrcDidNothing );
- }
- MM_showLog();
- }
- window.close();
- }
- function setMenuText()
- {
- if (dw.getDocumentDOM() && dw.getDocumentDOM().getIsXHTMLDocument())
- return MENU_CleanupXHTML;
- else
- return MENU_CleanupHTML;
- }